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Watch Katie's vocal student testimonial

One of my students Katie was kind enough to chat to me about her experience of vocal coaching.

Here's what she had to say. Click on the image to watch the video or you can read the full transcript below.

Katie's student testimonial on YouTube


"I've always wanted to be able to learn to sing but never really felt confident actually singing in front of anyone. But I did and, when I had the first session with Jules, I felt a little bit anxious which is probably normal but quite quickly I felt quite relaxed and was able to sing in front of someone which was quite a big deal for me."

Why did you want singing lessons?

"I wanted to find something that was just for me where there was no pressure in me performing in a particular way. There was a goal but it was all personal goals. It wasn't that I was going to do an audition on anything like that where I had pressure on me. So I could just do it for me and to have that time to express myself in a different way... it felt... I feel like the lessons just filled me up with joy and confidence and expressing myself in a way that I wasn't used to expressing myself in.

What made you choose Jules?

"So I chose Jules because liked the fact that you could have an introductory session. The feel that I got when I had that first session was that I felt really comfortable and really relaxed; I felt comfortable asking questions; I felt safe to sing in front of Jules.

"I also like the fact that Jules teaches yoga as well and I had that connection straight away that I was going to feel that I would just be able to express myself.

"The sessions were about me and not about me necessarily being able to sing like anyone in particular. It was about my learning about my voice as an instrument and not comparing to anyone else which I think was really helpful.

"The way that Jules holds her lessons really resonated with me in terms of being really in tune with your body, being really self-aware. I think that was really helpful.

How has your voice changed?

"So, from my first session, I remember almost feeling like a little bit of a mouse. I felt like I had lots of thoughts around my voice like perhaps I couldn't sing or I wasn't confident enough to sing. But I've always really enjoyed singing along to music and I think from then to now I feel like I understand how to control my voice. I can project my voice. I learnt about how I can change my voice depending on the way that I'm positioning different parts of my mouth. Yeah, I have control over the way that my voice sounds.

"I even notice from the beginning of one lesson to the end of one lesson a difference. Sometimes at the beginning of the lessons I still sometimes feel a bit anxious but after I've sung a couple of times from beginning to the end there's a real noticeable change. And I think that's to do with how Jules listens to my voice, listens to my feedback about how it feel and then gives me an activity to work through in the lesson that then enables me to feel something different so then I can project my voice differently."

What made the biggest difference?

"I think the biggest thing for me is being asked the question "How does it feel?" because it makes it more about my voice as an instrument and less about the voice in my head that's telling me what my voice should sound like. It's not necessarily what it sounds like it's how it feels and then the sound will just come when it starts to feel right."

How did it differ from other vocal coaching?

"So vocal training that I've done previously was more about the way that my voice sounded to the other as opposed to my own relationship with my voice as an instrument and I feel like now there's not necessarily a desired outcome of how it should or shouldn't sound; it's more about the journey. And I felt previously it's been about making my voice sound a particular way and I don't think that way was necessarily achievable for my voice. So I think it's a more personalised and tailored approach for me and the way that my voice sounds."

What's been your favourite thing about vocal coaching?

"Getting to meet Jules has been amazing and I think the biggest thing for me is feeling like I can express my voice in a more confident way and losing that little voice in my head that says you can or can't sing. It's not about that for me anymore it's about what singing feels like to me and I've seen it as like a really therapeutic journey and that's been really beautiful.

"Just a really big thank you for giving me the opportunity to find my voice."


To book your free consultation, head along to the bookings page. If you have more questions first, just get in touch and let's chat!