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Yoga for Singers

Breathe new life into your voice

Singing is a whole body experience and being a musician is very demanding both physically and emotionally. Book a 'Yoga for Singers' session with Jules to explore your voice in a holistic way.

Jules is a qualified yoga and meditation teacher. After graduating with a music degree, Jules took up yoga and trained to be a teacher at the old Yoga Sanctuary in Southampton. She went on to teach weekly classes and private sessions around Hampshire.

Yoga for Singers workshop run by Jules for Raw Voices summer school
Yoga for Singers workshop for Raw Voices summer school in Winchester

She incorporates yogic principles into her singing lessons to a lesser or greater extent depending on the student and their needs in the moment. She also offers bespoke ‘Yoga for Singers’ workshops to help students free up their voice through exercises for the whole body and the mind.

To practise 'just' yoga with Jules, find her at

Read Jules' article "How yoga can transform your voice" published by iSing magazine.

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Thank you Jules for my vocal sessions. I found them really interesting and was able to understand, feel and apply really effective changes straight away.

Your approach put me at ease and I hope to work with you more to develop and progress what we have started.

Jo - singer and yogi